It was the fall that broke it
If things were never allowed the fall wouldn't have occurred.
Living in a brick home with firm and unmovable foundation
She opened the door, but the walls were still steady.
Letting him in to decide what changes needed to be made.
She remodeled the cosmetics of the home, but the walls were still steady
She moved the furniture around and the walls still stood firm.
She was asked to paint, and the wall stood still as they were painted a beautiful magic.
Then the request turned into opening the rooms
She knew it all would fall but reassurance that the foundation was strong enough for these changes.
She hesitated to comply, and things were fine
Talking to her about making the space new and fresh created excitement.
So, she began to tear down the walls
The house stood firm with the pillars of her defense
He created spaces that made sense.
She trusted him after seeing how effective he made her home.
When she wasn't looking, he began to tear down the pillars
She saw this and screamed out, "It's going to fall"
He ran out of the home out of fear and catching the bricks were not an option.
It has fallen but, promises for a better one spoken.
Belief followed her because of how well he did with fixing her home
She worried none because he promised better even after his one terrible mistake.
Time has passed and she noticed the house across the street was thriving like hers before, she wondered if they had the same carpenter.
Still no worries because major changes turned into minor and she excepted the progress.
The progress began to slow down and all things of the past request started to be questioned.
Did he want it to fall? Was his plan to rebuild or abandon?
The home across the road became bigger and better while the bricks she counted became less.
She had to see for herself what carpenter they were using, so she crossed the road and found her bricks furniture and even leftover paint.
She new that she had been fooled.
Those walls that kept her house up and safe were broken down to rebuild another and she was left with nothing.
She was upset
Her tears created strong firm and steady walls
Her heart burned with fury and created bricks
Her mind left wondering, and that wonder created a locked door
Her empty pockets created an opportunity for new ventures
Her world was turned around which created a new home
She didn't want to open the door ever again because the changes could cause the walls to fall.
She knew trust was broken and her heart was shattered. what she loved was gone but a new home is what she found.
She thrives and allows no changes to her internal peace, she tried but disturbance is not a option.
She was Broken.
Broken is no longer dwelling, healing has prevailed and I'm renewed but that's just Me!
Beautiful and very thought provoking!
That poem was beautiful! Love it!