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  • Writer's pictureT Kimberly is Advice

No Neglect Zone

Updated: Aug 4, 2019

As a women we typically go through more emotional stress then we should. I always wondered, why is that? Think about all the advice you ever receive from your friends and family. They tell you things like men are weaker when it comes to self-control, that's just what men do, you have to let some things slide because people make mistakes,You should give them a third chance. Well I'm here to say today, that this double standard has to extinct. If a man is truly in love he will never neglect your needs intentionally. He will think out all of his decisions before he reacts, especially if he knows it will hurt you. I've been in relationships and I allowed my partner to slide on so many things that hurt me. I felt like he is a man just being a man. I've had friends who crossed boundaries because they knew I give chances to do better. Friends did so many things to me that should have stop the friendship. Its nothing wrong with forgiveness but I would forgive and forget. That is the wrong attitude to have when it comes to truly loving yourself. You won't do anything to hurt yourself so the people in your life shouldn't do that either. If they do, that just means they don't care, respect or love you enough to not do something that would tear you away from them. People will make many mistakes in life. Making a conscious decision to do the right thing for your relationship is the best thing you can do. I'm not telling you to nag about every little thing but neglect, infidelity and lack of communication are unacceptable for me. Set your standards to what you expect. Express your standards and their importance and cut no slack when they lack. Do not put yourself through stress when you don't have to. When you see red flags on the things that are most important to you then you should follow steps to elimination. Address the issue and handle it accordingly. If you have to remove that person. Don't hesitate to stay in control of your happiness once you allow a person to cross your standards they will. Do not allow anyone to neglect your needs and never neglect your own either. Each year I love myself a little more and I accept less " mistakes " the older I get. That goes for friends, family and partners. But that's just ME

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