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Food for thought

If you watch comedy, your always smiling laughing and having a good time.

Q&A from anonymous

"Do you believe at love at first sight? " Love at first sight, that's something I had to really think about. After thinking about it for...

Q&A from anonymous

" I always hear/read about what it is a man supposed to do for his woman, how a man supposed to make a woman feel and the overall...


She fell in love with me in the early ages. She knew my flaws and excepted all my stages. I loved her too because the connection was so...

Battle of Passion

The aches and pains of my temple feels tremendous never knowing understanding or possessing this feeling bursting inside with passion at...

Life has to be...

Life has to be the the craziest sometimes. Discovering new things and loving myself for this past month has been a journey to tell. Long...

Mani Pedi's make life better

These past few weeks have been a little crazy for me. Planning two trips, keeping up with the house work, staying above water with my...

Never let them

Everything has an opposite, something that is much better and more dominating or on the flip side can lead you to be worst off and...

For what?

Dealing with difficult people can be so frustrating. Have you ever met someone who seemed to just have it out for you and you have no...

New year New ME

New year new me that is the most annoying sentence anyone could ever utter to me. Just because of the new year people set goals just...

Competition Where?

Think about how nature grows, blossom ,flourish to its fullest potential with the right amount of care but it never stops to...

No Neglect Zone

As a women we typically go through more emotional stress then we should. I always wondered, why is that? Think about all the advice you...

The Worst Advice Ever

As a teenage I felt lost in relationships (romantic & friendly). I never knew what to do when I felt like I was about to hurt someone's...

Blog: Blog2
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